workshops and retreats

Find Stillness, Feel Vitality, Transform Your Experiences.

Workshops and retreats

Workshops and retreats

Have you noticed how time just gets away and we sometimes fall into a pattern of surviving. Or flying by the seat of our pants to get through the day?

Our experiential workshops and retreats guide participants to reconnect and balance the mind, brain and body to thrive. We guide new ways to reduce stress, improve sleep, increase presence, reset the nervous system, reduce pain, inflammation, let go of old patterns of behaviour and change the energy in your mind, brain and body for new experiences.

Workshops and retreats
Rhythm and Drums Workshop
Workshops and retreats
Reconnect Retreats
woman in brown knit sweater holding brown ceramic cup
Sounds for the Soma

What Clients Say about their Experience

Michelle has a unique sense of calm and confidence. I learned I was not alone in how I was feeling and new ways to become more present, thank you.
Stella Ward
The rhythm and drums workshop was awesome. I have not experienced anything like it. Changed my energy and experience.

Mark Smith
It was refreshing to attend the workshop and feel very welcome by everyone. I enjoyed how quickly the sounds and connection with others shifted my energy.
Louise Evett

Transform your Experiences